PSYCHO is a captivating English Hip-Hop/Rap masterpiece, brought to life by the artistic prowess of Jeff Redd. The lyrics of the song are penned by Kerim Baran Ünlü, while the production credits go to Kerim Baran Ünlü & Nuri Halil. PSYCHO was released as a part of the album Drama on December 20, 2024. This song delves into themes of struggle, self-reflection, and the harsh realities of life. The lyrics express the narrator’s belief that success comes only through hard work and perseverance, emphasizing that everything in life has a cost. It highlights the pain of losing friends and loved ones, and the necessity of distancing oneself from toxic people. The narrator reflects on past experiences, cutting ties with those who don’t bring positivity and accepting the losses that come with growing up. The song also touches on feelings of isolation, betrayal, and the complexity of relationships, but ultimately carries a sense of resilience, with the narrator facing life’s challenges and embracing the lessons learned from the hardships. The song has captivated many and is often searched for with the query “PSYCHO Lyrics”. Below, you’ll find the lyrics for Jeff Redd’s “PSYCHO”, offering a glimpse into the profound artistry behind the song.
Listen to the complete track on Amazon Music