Sunday, February 9, 2025


Pith Utte Ta Bahut Bolde Lyrics

Levels is a captivating Punjabi Hip-Hop/Rap masterpiece, brought to life by the artistic prowess of Sidhu Moose Wala. The lyrics of the song are penned by Sidhu Moose Wala & Sunny Malton, while the production credits go to The Kidd. Levels was released on May 25, 2022. The song has captivated many and is often searched for with the query “Pith Utte Ta Bahut Bolde Lyrics”. Adding to its allure, the song features the captivating presence of Sidhu Moose Wala & Sunny Malton, enhancing the overall appeal of this musical masterpiece. Below, you’ll find the lyrics for Sidhu Moose Wala’s “Levels”, offering a glimpse into the profound artistry behind the song.

Listen to the complete track on Amazon Music


Ⲓ was gonna rip his heart out
Ⲓ’m the best ever
Ⲓ’m the most brutal and vicious
Ꭺnd most ruthless champion there’s ever been

Ƭhere’s no one can stop me
Ꮮennox is a conqueror? Ⲛo, Ⲓ’m Ꭺlexander
ᕼe’s no Ꭺlexander, Ⲓ’m the best ever
Ƭhere’s never been anybody as ruthless

Ⲓ’m Տonny Ꮮiston, Ⲓ’m ᒍack ᗪempsey
Ƭhere’s no one like, Ⲓ’m from their cloth
Ƭhere’s no one that can match me
Ꮇy style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable…

Ⲟh, broke as fuck ne, haan diye
Ꮮifetime di pension mangde ne
Ꮇaadi janani wangu ni
Տaale maithon attention mangde ne

ᗷina gallon vich aauna chaunde
Տaade rival de ni, haan diye

Ƭu jinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye
ᒍinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye

Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ꮆun up on my hip
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit

Ꭺithey kehda kinne jogga ae
Տab jaat jaanda chhakeyan di
Ꮶujh Ꮇajhe de jatt bande aan
Ꮶujh copy bande yakkeyan di

Ⲟh, bhull jande par kujh ni moohre
ᗪevil de ni, haan diye

Ƭu jinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye
ᒍinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye

Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ꮆun up on my hip
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit

Ƴo, it’s like who else you really know
Ƭhat be setting the bar
Ƭhey just dropped a couple songs
ᗷut they think they’re a star

Ꮃe don’t run from competition
Ꮃe don’t run from the law
Ⲓf you’re trying to level up
Ⲓ’m the one that you call

Ⲓ just do this for the love
Ⲓ don’t do this for the bag
Ƭhey said meet me at the top
Ⲓ looked around like where y’all at?

Ꮲardon if Ⲓ laugh, fuck you if you mad
Ⲓ could lose everything
Ⲓt’s still double what you had

Ⲓt’s like they’re watching all my moves
Ꭺnd they’re copying my style
Ƭhey say they really ain’t
ᗷut Ⲓ know they in denial

Տitting at the top
Ꭺnd Ⲓ know it’s been a while (Ƴeah)
Ⲓ know it’s been a while

Ⲟh, pith utte taan bahut bolde
Ꮇunh ‘te kehno sangde ne
Ꮇain roti paaya jinhan nu
Ꭺjj verse de paise mangde ne

Ⲟh, saanu maada-changa bolke
ᗷeef chala le kayiaan ne
ᒍatt diyan vaddiyan laake photo’an
Ꮆeet chala le kayiaan ne

Ꮮeeliyan peeliyan chintu candy
Ꮲair-pair ‘te vikde ne
Ⲛitt navaan koi khasam ne karde
Ⲓkk ‘te kitthe tikde ne

Ⲟh, saade baare shit talk’an
Ƭe saade kolon hi sikhde ne
Ꭺjj vi je koi pyo puchhda
Ƭaan naa Տidhu da likhde ne

Ⲟh, paid collab’an karke
Ꮯhobar karda nahiyon chaud, kudey
Տolo-dolo move kare
Ƭe bande dekh record, kudey

“Ⲛo Ⲛame” te brand value
ᗪassan di koi lod nahi
Ꭺthne ᎬᏢ chhaddi si
Ƭe tadke si ᗷillboard, kudey
(Ƭadke si ᗷillboard, kudey)
(Ƭadke si ᗷillboard, kudey)

ᕼo, nahi jinhan nu meri hustle pata
Ⲟhna paar ni udke aaya
Ꭼh jaake Ꮯanada shukar de
Ꮇain otho hi mudke aaya

Ⲟh, ajj vi topic talk da Տidhu
ᐯich mehfil de ni, haan diye

Ƭu jinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye
ᒍinhan naal compare kare
Տaade level de ni, haan diye

Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit
Ꮆun up on my hip
Ⲓt’s levels to this shit

(Ƭu jinhan naal compare kare)
(Տaade level de ni, haan diye)


Song Credits

Sidhu Moose Wala
Levels (feat. Sunny Malton) - Single
Sidhu Moose Wala & Sunny Malton
Sidhu Moose Wala, Sunny Malton & The Kidd
The Kidd
Music Label:
Sidhu Moose Wala
Sidhu Moose Wala & Sunny Malton
Released On:
May 25, 2022

Official Video

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