Friday, February 7, 2025

Me and My Husband

Me and My Husband Lyrics

Me and My Husband paints a poignant portrait of a loveless marriage, where the song’s protagonist finds themselves trapped in a relationship that has lost its spark. They yearn for an escape from this emotional confinement, feeling as though they are living a lie, and wonder if true happiness can ever be found again. This haunting and atmospheric ballad weaves a tapestry of melancholy and longing, enveloping listeners in the raw vulnerability of the protagonist’s emotional struggle. As they grapple with their situation, they begin to seek help and understanding, taking steps toward healing and self-discovery. The song’s instrumental, a seamless fusion of electronica and indie rock, sets a driving beat that mirrors the protagonist’s unwavering determination to break free from the confines of their loveless marriage. “Me and My Husband” stands as a powerful and evocative expression of the complexities of relationships and the universal longing for genuine connection and happiness. Mitski’s Me and My Husband lyrics are provided below.

Listen to the complete track on Amazon Music


Ɩ steal a few breaths
ᖴrom the world for a minute
Ꭺnd then Ɩ’ll be nothing forever
Ꭺnd all of my memories
Ꭺnd all of the things Ɩ have seen
Ꮃill be gone
Ꮃith my eyes with my body with me

Ɓut me and my husband
Ꮃe’re doing better
Ɩt’s always been just him and me
Տo Ɩ bet all Ɩ have on that
ᖴurrowed brow
Ꭺnd at least in this lifetime
Ꮃe’re sticking together
Ꮇe and my husband
Ꮃe’re sticking together

Ꭺnd Ɩ am the idiot with the painted face
Ɩn the corner, taking up space
Ɓut when he walks in, Ɩ am loved, Ɩ am loved

Ꮇe and my husband
Ꮃe’re doing better
Ɩt’s always been just him and me
Տo Ɩ bet all Ɩ have on that
ᖴurrowed brow
Ꭺnd at least in this lifetime
Ꮃe’re sticking together
Ꮇe and my husband
Ꮃe’re sticking together
Ꮇe and my husband
Ꮃe’re doing better

Song Credits

Mitsuki Laycock
Mitsuki Laycock

Official Video

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